Who Is Yadain Cultural Solutions LLC.

In 1997 we began introducing natural body products from other companies to the sidewalks of Harlem, N.Y.C. From a small vending table, we were able to encourage the people of our community to consider a different approach to a healthier lifestyle. We provide natural alternatives to the chemically based skin & hair care products that are commonly used in today’s society. Our families, like most families, unfortunately, have suffered from various commonly known skin ailments such as eczema, psoriasis, skin cancer, and even some unexplained skin disorders. Hair loss, scalp disorders, and stagnant hair growth have haunted us for decades. We realized that the products we were using & selling actually contained harmful additives that caused most of these unpleasant conditions, contradicting the very nature of our purpose. Needless to say, those products that proclaimed to be all natural, were actually all-harmful. As a result of this, we found it necessary to manufacture an authentic natural solution… And we did. In 1997 we began manufacturing products with our two hands, which is the origin of our company’s name "Yadain"(meaning two hands in Arabic). By using the finest ingredients, we were able to formulate all natural & organic recipes, that are today, used as remedies to treat most skin and hair ailments; a suffering we have endured long enough. In 2005 we introduced our products to the communities of Philadelphia, New Jersey, & Delaware & now we are introducing it to the world. Thanks to the support of our consumers, in 2010 we were proud to announce our ongoing production of authentic natural skin & hair care products & our additional factory locations. With the support of our consumers, Yadain Cultural Solutions has managed to develop a world of natural skin and hair care products, a world that is no longer a movement but an evolution. Raw is right! That's Yadain Cultural Solutions.