This website is designed for vendors of all scales, ranging from small businesses to large corporations. Don't hesitate to reach out to our sales representative for the most competitive prices. If you Are A Distributor Or require help placing an order, please contact Mr. Haneef at 866.985.8416 ext. 101.
$100 Minimum Purchase Required*

Guaranteed Quality Or Your Money Back!

Welcome to the Yadain Cultural Solutions Wholesale Site, where we exclusively offer our premium brand products infused with double the ingredients for maximum impact. These larger-sized products are designed to outshine our competitors in the market. If you are a distributor, please reach out to Mr. Haneef, Supervisor of Distribution & Sales, for personalized assistance at 866.985.8416 ext. 101.
Our natural hair care premium products are not eligible for discounts at our retail locations, warehouse, showroom, or online store. To become a wholesaler, simply make a minimum purchase of $100 at checkout on this site. We recommend creating a user account and becoming a site member so you can easily track your orders, receive updates, and establish a track record with Yadain Cultural Solutions. This could potentially qualify you for NET30 terms in the future. No business license or EIN number is required.

Yadain Cultural Solutions LLC.

Premium Products Infused With Our Herbal Technology